I am afraid that those waiting for the property to crash may have to wait for next recession. If I have the extra cash, I would buy a Studio now. The signs are good. Below are the indications:
1. Agents marketing Siglap V at carparks 1 month before launchhttp://www.asiaone.com/Business/My%2BMoney/Property/Story/A1Story20091231-189096.html2. Dragon Mansion & Greenlodge en blocs
Dragon Mansion is the first successful en bloc this year. Sold to RL Developments, a unit of Roxy-Pacific Holdings for a cool $100.8m.
http://www.h88.com.sg/article/Green+Lodge+for+sale+at+%24135m/3. MM Lee: HDB prices will rise as the economy growsEven Mr Mah also said he was caught by surprise by the property recovery in our supposedly recession year. Imagine, what will happen when Singapore economy recovers in the future.
4. Dawson BTO 5-6 times oversubscribed despite High price ($670000 for 5 Rm)It's no conincidence to that this is launched 2-3 days after MM Lee had said in the Pinnacle HDB opening.
5. Marina Bay Suites sells fast; let the good times roll80 of 90 units released as of 25 Nov have been confirmed sold at an average price of between $2,200 and $2,500 psf. The 10 is not released.
6. Rising Property Counters PriceThe stock market is always 4-5 months ahead of the real thing. KepLand, WingTai, Ho Bee, City Development and the rest are all at 52-weeks high and are still rising.